Your Gateway to Smart Energy,  Smart Savings

Smartqube app will deal with the hard part of energy management through our IoT and AI technology, bringing you hassle-free savings and peace of mind. Interested in how much you could save? Calculate now and find out in just a few second.

Why Smartqube app?

Your Savings with Q Energy

Total Savings






How does it work?

Watch this short clip below to explore how Smartqube app generate smart savings for you

Jane’s Success Story: Smart Savings of £219 A Month

(Figures are for illustration only)

Jane sought to adopt sustainable living and lower energy costs. To satisfied her energy need while reminding cost-effective, we proposed an integrated solution and upgraded her home with a energy storage system, EV charger, PV panel and a heat pump, utilising Smartqube App to optimise her energy usage and reduce costs. The result was impressive: Slashing away up to 75% of her energy bill and generating cash saving of up to £219 a month.

Hear what Jane says

“It makes the use of the electricity so efficient, you can see exactly what’s going on and the energy management becomes much easier. Without the app, it’s like working completely blind”

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